Eric Cantor’s House of Cards falls

I always thought that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was the brat, the youngish sharp-elbowed, supercilious, conservative Congressman assumed to be John Boehner's heir apparent as Speaker of the House. Bookish. Dogmatic. So determined was he to be the ideological antidote to a liberal Obama administration, he was a driving force behind the Republican congressional strategy to …

Continue reading Eric Cantor’s House of Cards falls

Obama’s executive order: the Dream Act lives on

Mitt Romney says that President Obama's recent move not to deport illegal immigrants brought here as children was motivated by politics. Now there's a surprise!  That's a little bit like Captain Renault in Casablanca saying "I'm shocked, shocked to find that there is gambling is going on in here."  Of course it was political, shrewdly political.  And it …

Continue reading Obama’s executive order: the Dream Act lives on

Harvard illegal puts face on immigration problem

The case of Eric Balderas would make a great movie. The child brought to the United States by his Mexican mother, fleeing an abusive father, when he was just four years old. She struggles as a factory worker to care for him. He studies hard, becomes valedictorian of his high school class, and miraculously gets …

Continue reading Harvard illegal puts face on immigration problem