“Project Look Out:” changing driving behavior

  Remember the old days when  the term "designated driver" evoked A.J. Foyt or Mario Andretti? By the 1980's, however, we learned that "designated driver" meant the guy (or gal) at the party who wouldn't drink so someone would be around to drive home sober. The idea of designated driver was the result of a …

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Mass. Senate race: an embarrassment of riches?

No one has a right to hold onto an office in perpetuity, but having served a long time shouldn't necessarily be a disqualifier. Senator Ed Markey has been in public office nearly half a century.  The one-term+ US Senator has been in  Washington for 43 years,  both as a member of the House and of …

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Political wheeling and dealing flirts with criminal

You scratch my back; I'll scratch yours has always been one of the rules of the political road in Boston.  Behaviors can be very subtle but still powerful, their meaning clear.  As alderman, state rep and state senator, Martin Lomasney used to say, "Don't write when you can talk; don't talk when you can nod; …

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Trump on gun violence: judge him by his actions

In a speech prepared for him to read from the Oval Office, President Trump has condemned the shootings in Dayton and El Paso, calling for unity in opposing hatred, white supremacists, violence, especially on the internet and social media, and promising additional resources for the FBI in addressing domestic terrorism.  It approached presidential in content …

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