Walsh positions Boston in the vanguard

"We face a new reality in our relationship with the federal government," and mayors, city councilors, state legislators, the public and the business community have to tackle the challenges together, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh told the business community Thursday at a meeting of he New England Council.  In a focused and forcefully delivered speech, the …

Continue reading Walsh positions Boston in the vanguard

Charlie Baker on tightrope, moves carefully

Governor Charlie Baker's life is a balancing act - a Republican in an overwhelmingly Democratic state, a reasonable and enlightened moderate while the top of his party is anything but. With an entirely blue Congressional delegation, he will be, for better or worse, this state's interlocutor with a potentially vengeful Trump administration. He took a rhetorical …

Continue reading Charlie Baker on tightrope, moves carefully

Women’s March Boston: life in the bubble?

I hate being in large crowds but had to be at Boston Common yesterday for the local version of the Women's March occurring in hundreds of cities around the nation and on all continents.  As with anti-Vietnam War marches in the late sixties and early seventies, this was a time to stand up and be …

Continue reading Women’s March Boston: life in the bubble?

President Trump little changed from candidate Trump

The newly elected president of Gambia had to be sworn in in Senegal, and Senegalese and other African military may be needed to force Gambia's despotic president to relinquish power he's held for 22 years. It was quite a contrast to events at the same time in Washington.  The peaceful transition of power from one President of the United States to the …

Continue reading President Trump little changed from candidate Trump

Black arm bands not boycott for inauguration protest

So, Ringling Bros. is closing down the circus after 146 years. But, in this inaugural week, the circus hasn't left town.  We can't be sure where the lions and trapeze artists are going, but we certainly know where the elephants and marquis clown are headed. And it's not to entertain little children. Until now, I never understood fear …

Continue reading Black arm bands not boycott for inauguration protest

Obama still stands for hope, alloyed with action

"When they go low, we go high," is Michelle Obama's credo.  Last night, her husband exemplified that commitment.  He spoke to the best that is in the American people, the power of faith, the ability of ordinary people to come together over shared values.  We will remain the most powerful and respected nation on earth …

Continue reading Obama still stands for hope, alloyed with action

Mend it, don’t end it, and call it Trumpcare

Was it 50 or 60 times the GOP has voted to end Obamacare? With an incoming President who has called the law "a disaster," the oft-repeated move can now become reality, and the  Republicans own it.  But their move to repeal and, over several years, replace the Affordable Care Act is a recipe for chaos. …

Continue reading Mend it, don’t end it, and call it Trumpcare